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《电池快讯》 主编:文力,编辑部主任:罗秋珍。
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        地址:湖南长沙仰天湖新村1号《电池快讯》编辑部 410015





30th International Battery Seminar & Exhibit(《电池快讯》2012-11-14

Battery Safety 2012(《电池快讯》2012-9-1411-14

8th Lithium Battery Power 2012(《电池快讯》2012-9-1411-14

PriME 2012:222th Electrochemical Society Meeting(《电池快讯》2012-9-14

13th International Advanced Automotive Battery Conference and SymposiaAABC)(《电池快讯》2012-9-1411-14)

12th European Lead Battery Conference(《电池快讯》2012-9-14

16th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries(《电池快讯》2012-9-14


EVS 25: The 25th World Battery Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition(《电池快讯》2010-8-14

EV Li-ion Battery Forum 2010(《电池快讯》2010-8-14

VPPC 2010 Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference(《电池快讯》2010-8-13

17th Hydrogen+Fuel Cells Group Exhibit(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

Battery Power 2010(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

The Battery Show(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

VPPC 2010: IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

15th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

EUROBAT FORUM 2010(《电池快讯》2010-6-12

PHEV'10: Plug in Hybrids and Electric Vehicles Conference and Trade Show(《电池快讯》2010-3-16

Batteries 2010(《电池快讯》2010-3-16

2010 Fuel Cell Seminar & Exposition(《电池快讯》2010-3-16


Advanced Automotive Battery and EC CapacitorConference and Symposia (AABC)(《电池快讯》2010-2-15

Battery Japan: 1st International Rechargeable Battery Expo(《电池快讯》2010-2-15

44th Power Sources Conference(《电池快讯》2010-2-15




13th Asian Battery Conference 等(《电池快讯》2009-6-16

Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology Conference(《电池快讯》2009-6-15

BCI Convention & Power Mart Trade Fair(《电池快讯》2009-1-12

Group Exhibit Hydrogen Fuel Cells(《电池快讯》2009-1-12

60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (《电池快讯》2008-12-12

Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference and Symposia 2009 (《电池快讯》2008-12-12

215th ECS Meeting (《电池快讯》2008-12-11

Battcon 2009—International Stationary Battery Conference and Trade Show (《电池快讯》2008-12-11

26th International Battery Seminar & Exhibit (《电池快讯》2008-12-11

18th International Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors & Hybrid Energy Storage Devices (《电池快讯》2008-10-16

The AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition (《电池快讯》2008-10-16

1st International Conference on Advanced Lithium Batteries for Automobile Application (《电池快讯》2008-9-19


Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference and Symposia (《电池快讯》2008-4-17

Alternative Fuels & Vehicles Conference & Expo 2008 (《电池快讯》2008-4-17

6th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (《电池快讯》2008-4-17

12th International Battery Materials Recycling Seminar and Exhibit (《电池快讯》2008-4-17

Battcon 2008——International Stationary Battery Conference (《电池快讯》2008-2-18

The 14th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (《电池快讯》2008-2-18

25th International Battery Seminar and Exhibit (《电池快讯》2008-2-18

2008 International Hydrogen Forum (《电池快讯》2008-2-18

Commercial & Military Applications (《电池快讯》2008-2-18

10th Annual International Conference Small Fuel Cells 2008——Portable & Micro Fuel Cells For The 8th International Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference and Symposia (《电池快讯》2008-1-19

EVS—24 (《电池快讯》2008-1-19

Fuel Cell Expo 2008 (《电池快讯》2008-1-19


FC Expo 2008 (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

17th International Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors & Hybride Energy Storage Devices (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

EVS-23 (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

Fuel Cells Durability & Performance (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

PHEV 2007 Conference: Where the Grid Meets the Road (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

Lithium Mobile Power 2007 (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)

第二届储能与动力电池及其关键材料学术研讨与技术交流会 (《电池快讯》2007-9-19)

World Recycling Form (《电池快讯》2007-11-18)


Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference and Symposia  (《电池快讯》2007-3-18)

3rd Battery Technology Workshop                   (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)

24th International Battery Seminar & Exhibit           (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)

Military Technologies Conferences                   (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)

Nanotech Northern Europe                          (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)

Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Conference+Expo2007           (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)

25th International Power Sources Symposium and Exhibition           (《电池快讯》2007-2-17,2007-4-17)

Space Power Workshop                             (《电池快讯》2007-2-17,2007-4-18)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2007                        (《电池快讯》2007-2-17)


11th International Congress for Battery Recycling       《电池快讯》2006-3-18)

Lithium Mobile Power 2006       《电池快讯》2006-3-18)

Small Fuel Cells 2006       《电池快讯》2006-3-18,9-17)

23rd International Battery Seminar and Exhibit       《电池快讯》2006-3-18)

2006 Portable Power Developer’s Conference       《电池快讯》2006-4-17)

Space Power Workshop       《电池快讯》2006-4-17)

Hannover Fair’06, Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Group Exhibit       《电池快讯》2006-4-17)

118th Battery Council International Convertion and Power Trade Fair       《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

Clean Cities Congress and Expo 2006       《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

NSTI Nanotechnology Conference       《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference; Large Li-ion Battery Technology and Application; and Large Ultracapacitor Technology and Application        《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

42nd Power Sources Conference       《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

10th European Lead Battery Conference       《电池快讯》2006-4-18)

2006 Fuel Cell Seminar       《电池快讯》2006-4-18,9-17)

EVS 22: 22nd International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition       《电池快讯》2006-4-18,9-17)

2006中国广州国际电池博览会       《电池快讯》2006-6-17

第三届广州燃料电池(国际)会议       《电池快讯》2006-6-17


Fuel Cells Science & Technology 2006       《电池快讯》2006-9-16

10th European Lead Battery Conference       《电池快讯》2006-9-16

Tomorrow’s Energy……Today Next Energy Center       《电池快讯》2006-9-16

H2 Expo       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

210th Electrochemical Society       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

Hydrogen Day       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

Electric Drive Transportation Association Conference & Exposition       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

METH 2006: Middle East Forum on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Economy       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

Fuel Cells Durability & Performance 2006       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

FC Expo 2007       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

18th Hydrogen Expo US and NHA Annual Hydrogen Conference 2006       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

25th International Power Sources Symposium and Exhibition       《电池快讯》2006-9-17

Advanced Automotive Battery and Ultracapacitor Conference and Symposia       《电池快讯》2006-9-17


第七届中国国际电池产品及原辅材料、零配件、机械设备展示交易会       2005-4-172005-5-182005-6-18

2005储能与动力电池及其关键材料学术研讨会      2005-4-172005-5-19

第五届中国国际铅酸蓄电池博览会    2005-4-172005-5-192005-6-19

第八届亚洲氢能会议    2005-5-192005-6-19

第十三次全国电化学学术会议       2005-6-19)

国际电池会议       2005-6-19)

Batterie 2005, Meriden Montparnase       2005-6-19)

2005年香港秋季电子产品展       2005-7-18)

国际锰协会第31届年会       2005-7-18)

协会2005年会员代表大会在京召开       2005-12-10)

2005年中国锰业发展论坛在重庆秀山召开       2005-12-10)

第十三次全国电化学会议在广州召开       2005-12-10)

2005年中国国际铅锌年会在长沙召开       2005-12-10)


4届中国国际铅酸蓄电池博览会(ILBF CHINA 2004)  (2004-1-16)

第二十六届化学与电源学术年会     (2004-1-16)

第六届中国国际电池技术交流会/展览会  (2004-1-16)

9届欧洲铅蓄电池会议(9ELBC)  (2004-1-17)

Battery Council International 116th Convention and Trade Show    (2004-1-17)

4th International Advanced Automotive Battery Conference     (2004-1-17)

5th International Conference on Advanced Batteries and Accumulators   (2004-1-17)

Battery Council International (BCI)   (2004-3-18)

The Battcon 2004 International Battery Conference and Trade Show (2004-3-18)

21st International Battery Seminar & Exibit (2004-3-18)

First International Conference on Fuel Cell Development and Deployment     (2004-3-18)

International Automobile Recycling Congress    (2004-3-18)

2nd Annual Fuel Cell Investment Summit    (2004-3-18)

Hanover Fair'04 Hydrogen & Fuel cells Group Exhibit (2004-3-18)

FuelCellSouth 2004 (2004-3-19)

4th Annual Fuel Cell Investor    (2004-3-19)

Fuel Cell 2004     (2004-3-19)

2004 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics  (2004-3-19)

6th Annual Small Fuel Cells 2004 (2004-3-19)

国际电池回收循环与资源利用大会   (2004-4-17)

第二十六届化学与电源学术年会     (2004-4-17)

15th Annual U.S. Hydrogen Conference and Hydrogen Expo USA   (2004-4-17)

116th Battery Council International Convention (2004-4-17)

Advanced Automotive Battery Conference    (2004-4-17)

41st Power Sources Conference    (2004-4-17)

15th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (2004-4-17)

6th European SOFC Forum (2004-4-17)

6th Annual Small Fuel Cells 2004 (2004-5-17)

Introduction to Fuel Cells and Fuel Processors (2004-5-17)

Military Fuel Cells: The next 5 years (2004-5-17)

Micro Fuel Cell Regulations & compliance  (2004-5-17)

2004 Annual Ohio Fuel Cell Symposium (2004-5-17)

Scientific Advances in Fuel Cell Systems 2004  (2004-5-17)

2004 Fuel Cell Seminar (2004-5-17)

Battery 2004  (2004-5-17)

2nd Annual Batteries International Summit (2004-5-17)

World Renewable Energy Congress  (2004-5-17)

国际电池回收循环与资源利用大会   (2004-6-16)

Fuel Cell Chemistry and Operation    (2004-6-16)

Symposium on Metal Hydrogen Systems  (2004-6-16)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Futures Conference (2004-6-16)

Cruisin' Southern Cal: 2004 Fuel Cell Vehicle Road Rally     (2004-6-16)

Hydrogen & Fuel Cell 2004 Conference and Tradeshow (2004-6-16)


7届中国国际电池产品及原辅材料、零配件、机械设备展示交易会       (2004-9-152004-11-18)

2004年广州国际电源会议工业展览会      (2004-9-16)

中国电源电池技术与产品展       (2004-9-16)

55th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2004-9-16)

Electric Drive Transportation Assn. Conference & Expo     (2004-9-16)

206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Inc 2004ECS Fall Meeting     (2004-9-16)

2004 Fuel Cell Seminar  (2004-9-16)

NASA Aerospace Battery Workshop     (2004-9-16)

EVS21    (2004-9-16)

Ninth Annual Battcon 2005 International Battery Conference      (2004-9-16)

Electric West  (2004-9-16)

The Cobalt Conference 2005 (2004-9-16)

Electricity Storage Association 2005 Meeting       (2004-9-16)

AABC-05 (2004-9-16)

LABAT 2005   (2004-9-17)

13次全国电化学学术会议第一轮通知  (2004-11-17)



上海燃料电池汽车会议   (2003-1-16)

中国电池产业新材料应用研讨会     (2003-1-16)

铅酸蓄电池会议     (2003-2-16)

浙江省第二届电池行业配套协作会议在杭州召开     (2003-2-16)

第四届深圳国际电池产品展览会     (2003-2-16)

浙江国际电源、电池及电子变压器展览会 (2003-3-17)

2003广州国际电源及电池展览会    (2003-3-17)

第六届国际电池技术交流会/展览会  (2003-3-17)

2003 Taipei Forum & Exhibition   (2003-3-17)

20th International Seminar and Exhibit on Primary and Secondary Batteries  (2003-3-17)

BATTCON 2003  (2003-3-17)

SREXPO 2003 上海国际可再生能源博览会 (2003-3-17)

American Power Conference   (2003-4-15)

Fuel Cell Systems for Stationary, Automotive, and Portable Applications    (2003-4-15)

BCI Convention     (2003-4-15)

3rd International Advanced Automotive Battery Conference     (2003-4-15)

International Congress for Battery Recycling   (2003-4-15)

8th Electrochemical Power Sources R&D symposium    (2003-4-16)

IBA-HBC2003 Yeager Memorial Symposium (2003-4-16)

10th Asian Battery Conference    (2003-4-16)

International Symposium on Power Sources for Stationary and Distributed Power Systems    (2003-4-16)

International Power Sources Symposium (2003-4-16)

Intelec 03  (2003-4-16)

国际氢能协会和国际材料研究会会议通知 (2003-4-16)

第六届中国国际电池展和动力电池高层论坛推迟举行 (2003-5-17)

第二届广州燃料电池会议暨电池和电子原器件展览会 (2003-6-15)


5th International Symposium for New Materials for Electrochemical Systems  (2003-6-16)

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell 2003 Conference and Trade Show   (2003-6-16)

Advancements in Battery Charging, Conditioning and Testing Technology Symposium (2003-6-16)

1st European Hydrogen Energy Conference  (2003-6-16)

Portable Power 2003    (2003-6-16)

8th Grove Fuel Cell Symposium    (2003-6-16)


2003年中国上海电池产品及铅酸蓄电池展览会  (2003-7-16)

Fundamentals of Fuel Cell Components and Systems   (2003-7-16)

3rd Annual Fuel Cell Technology Institute (2003-7-16)

2nd European Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Forum   (2003-7-16)

New materials for Electrochemical Systems (2003-7-16)

H2 Expo, the International Trade Fair for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies (2003-7-16)

2003 Fuel Cell Seminar (2003-7-17)

Hyforum 2003: Clean Energy for the 21st Century    (2003-9-16)

2003年西部电动车、自行车整车及零部件展览会    (2003-9-16)

2003年中国国际铅锌年会 (2003-11-15)

2003年中国上海电池产品及铅酸蓄电池展览会  (2003-11-15)

2003国际电源及电池工业展    (2003-11-15)

2004中国(深圳)国际电池展  (2003-11-15)

Power Electronics Technology 2003/Power  Quality Exhibition and Conference (2003-11-15)

4th Annual Nanostructured Materials 2003 - Production and Application in Fuel Cells and Energy Devices (2003-11-15)

20th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition (2003-11-15)

Power-Gen International 2003     (2003-11-15)

19th Annual Applied Power Electronics

Conference and Exhibition   (2003-11-15)

The 21st International Battery Seminar & Exhibit Primary & Secondary Batteries & Small Fuel Cells & Other Technologies     (2003-11-15)



2003 Taipei Power  Forum and Exhibition(2003-12-11)

HBC2004: 6th Hawaii Battery Conference(2003-12-11)


上海燃料电池会议信息                       (2002-1-17)

2002年国内电池及相关会议                   (2002-5-17)

2002年9~11月部分电池相关会议信息         (2002-9-5)

中国电池工业协会小型二次电池分会成立大会  (2002-10-14)

2002年中国钴镍市场报告会                  (2002-10-14)


2003第六届中国(深圳)国际电子产品展览会    (2002-10-14)

2002年全国电池生产企业出口工作会议召开    (2002-12-11)

全国电池行业联合打假工作会议          (2002-12-12)

国际电工委员会(IEC)第66届大会在京举行  (2002-12-13)

铅蓄电池行业会议                            (2002-12-13)


地址: 湖南长沙仰天湖新村1号《电池》杂志社(410015)   TEL:731-85141901   FAX:731-85427570
版权所有 电池杂志社  欢迎与《电池》网联系batterie@yeah.net。  更新日期:2013/09/26  湘ICP备05012450号
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