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Vol.32, Number 1(Serial No.152), February.2002

全国电池工业信息中心  湖南轻工研究院  主办


试谈《电池》杂志的三次大改版             文力(1)

尖晶石型ZnMn2O4的合成及其电化学行为    李升宪 李保旗 杨汉西 艾新平(3)

纳米β-NiOOH的固相合成及其性能           夏熙 龚玉良(6)

锂离子电池用金属锡电极的初步研究         朱承飞 程新群 史鹏飞(10)

天然石墨的复合改性研究                   杜翠薇 赵煜娟 陈彦彬 吴荫顺 刘庆国(13)

直接甲醇燃料电池膜电极电化学性能影响因素 李建玲 毛宗强 徐景明(16)

锂离子电池正极材料LiCoO2抗过充性能     李晓干 仇卫华 郝广明 白厚善(19)

碱锰电池隔膜的吸液性能                   王力臻 谷书华(22)

MH/Ni及Cd/Ni电池的封口化成               李群 李国栋(25)

MH/Ni电池大电流放电性能                  何国荣 吴锋 单忠强 尹树海(28)

深循环用铅酸电池充电模式的探索           包有富 尹鸽平 童一波 阎智刚(30)

化学镀层对无汞碱锰电池性能的影响         费锡明 彭历 王继红(32)

碱锰电池短路电流的下降                   高效岳 许茂华(34)

碱锰电池组短路过程电压变化特性           常海涛 余佑锋 赵锋良 张清顺(36)

铅酸蓄电池负极防氧化剂的研究             柴树松(38)

对VRLA蓄电池的认识                       熊鲜明(40)

我国独特的铅蓄电池技术(2)              吴寿松(42)

钠离子电池研究进展                       吴振军 陈宗璋 汤宏伟 李素芳(45)

锂离子电池正极材料LiMn2O4的研究现状      雷文 何涌(48)

MH/Ni电池储存容量下降及改善措施          李群杰(52)

铅酸蓄电池电解液添加剂发展概况           孙成(55)

锌锰干电池正极粉料中氯化铵含量的测定   潘伟 胡国欣 陈丽 黄燕清(58)

电池厂重金属废水的治理                   何瑞华 俞盛 曹姝文(60)

《电池》2002年稿约                              (62)

《电池》第4届编委会名单                         (9)



Vol.32, Number 1(Serial No.152), February, 2002


Three important format and policy changes in Battery Bimonthly……………………WEN Li(1)

Synthesis and electrochemical behaviors of ZnMn2O4……………………LI Sheng-xian  et al(3)

Synthesis and performances of nanophase β-NiOOH by solid state reaction……………………XIA Xi et al(6)

Study on metal tin electrode in lithium-ion battery…………………… ZHU Cheng-fei  et al(10)

Surface modification of natural graphite for lithium ion batteries……………………Du Cui-wei et al(13)

The factors impacting the electrochemical performance of MEA of DMFC……………………LI Jian-ling  et al(16)

The overcharge-resistant ability of layered-LiCoO2 as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries……………………LI Xiao-gan  et al(19)

Solution adsorption performance of membranes in alkaline zinc manganese dioxide batteries……………………WANG Li-zhen(22)

Formation after sealing of MH/Ni battery and Cd/Ni battery……………………LI Qing  et al(25)

Performance of MH/Ni batteries discharge at high rate……………………HE Guo-rong  et al(28)

The charge algorithms of the deep-cycle lead acid battery ……………………BAO You-fu  et al(30)

Effect of chemical plating on mercury-free alkaline Zn/MnO2 battery ……………………FEI Xi-ming et al(32) 

The drop of short current of alkaline zine-manganese battery ……………………GAO Xiao-yue  et al(34)

Voltage characteristics of alkaline Zn/MnO2 battery pack during short-circuit……………………CHANG Hai-tao  et al(36) 

Study on anti-oxidants for negative plate of lead acid batteries……………………CHAI Shu-song(38)

Some understanding about VRLA battery……………………XIONG Xian-ming(40)

Unique lead acid battery technologies in China()……………………WU Shou-song(42)

The research progress of sodium-ion batteries……………………WU Zhen-jun  et al(45)

Research status on spinel LiMn2O4 cathode material……………………LEI Wen  et al(48)

Improvement of capacity loss of long-term storage of MH/Ni batteries……………………LI Qun-jie(52)

Development status of electrolyte additives for lead-acid batteries ……………………SUN Cheng(55) 

Determination of ammonium chloride content in battery positive mix ……………………PAN Wei et al(58)

Treatment process of heavy metal waste water in battery factory ……………………HE Rui-hua  et al(60)

Instructions for authors……………………(62)

Members of the 4th Editorial Board of Battery Bimonthly……………………(9)

News in brief……………………(9,12,21,31,35,37,41,44,51,54,57,59)





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