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Vol.30, Number 4(Serial No.143), August.2000

全国电池工业信息中心  湖南轻工研究院  主办



《电池》30周年(英)                   文 力(141)

锂离子电池负极材料的制备——用气相氧化法改性天然石墨   吴宇平  万春荣  姜长印  李建军(143)

掺磷碳材料的制备及其嵌锂行为                           尹鸽平  周德瑞  夏保佳  史鹏飞(147)

α-MnO2的制备及其电化学性能                            努尔买买提    (150)

Li-Fe复合氧化物为阳极材料的水溶液电池                  杜岩  李明  杨华铨(153)

Li1+xCryMn2-yO4合成工艺对其结构和性能的影响             邓广南  甘卫平  苏玉长  罗万贺(156)

锌粉形貌对碱性锌锰电池性能的影响                       褚德威  孔凡涛  袁国辉  王德军(159)

铵型锌锰电池用化学锰的研制                             张碧泉  卢兆忠(161)

氢镍电池闭口化成中的正极活化                           叶代启    (163)

纤维镍电极与泡沫镍电极的比较                           原鲜霞  邓晓燕  王荫东    (166)

充放电方式对MH/Ni电池容量测试的影响                    郭华军  李新海  王志兴  彭文杰(168)

锂离子电池工业的发展与展望                             胡绍杰  徐保伯(171)

我国固定用铅蓄电池发展史                               吴寿松(175)

锂离子电池锰系正极材料的研究进展                       陈昌国  余丹梅  黄宗卿(178)

降低MH/Ni电池内压的途径                                赖为华  余成洲(181)

镍电极制造技术的进展                                   张文保(184)

电池标准GB/T 71121998的特点                          汝坤林(186)

实施GB/T 71121998标准                                罗淑芬  黄振茂(188)

4届《电池》编委会成员等  (146149155165177180187)



Battery Bimonthly (DIANCHI)

Vol.30, Number 4(Serial No.143), August.2000


On the 30th anniversary of Battery Bimonthly  Wen Li(141)

Preparation of anode material for lithium ion secondary battery——the modification of natural graphite by gas-phase oxidation method  Wu Yuping et al(143)

Preparation of phosphorus-doped carbon and its performance of lithium intercalation  Yin Geping et al ............. 147

Synthesis of α-MnO2 and its electrochemical performances  Nurmaimaiti et al ............. (150)

Study of Li-Fe complex oxides as anode for aqueous solution batteries  Du Yan et al .............153

The influence of Li1+xCryMn2-yO4 synthetic conditions on its structure and electrochemical performance  Deng Guangnan et al ............. (156)

Effect of zinc powder shape on performance of alkaline Zn/MnO2 batteries  Chu Dewei et al ............. 159

Preparation of CMD using in NH4Cl type MnO2 batteries  Zhang Biquan et al ............. (161)

Sealed activation of pasted nickel electrode in high-energy density MH/Ni battery  Ye Daiqi et al ............. 163)

Comparison of fiber nickel electrode and foam nickel electrode  Yuan Xianxia et al ............. 166)

Development and prospect of Li-ion battery industry  Hu Shaojie et al ............. (168)

Influence of chargedischarge conditions on the capacity of MH/Ni battery   Guo Huajun et al ............. (171)

A short history of lead acid stationary battery in China  Wu Shousong175)

Development of lithium manganese oxide used as the cathode of lithium ion battery  Chen Changguo et al ............. (178)

Research survey of decreasing internal pressure of MH/Ni battery  Lai Weihua et al ............. 181)

Progress in manufacturing process of nickel electrode  Zhang Wenbao ............. (184)

Characteristics of battery standard GB/T 71121998  Ru Kunlin ............. (186)

Implementing standard GB/T 7112-1998  Luo Shufen et al ............. (188)

News in brief  (146149155165177180187)




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