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Vol.30, Number 2(Serial No.141), April.2000

全国电池工业信息中心  湖南轻工研究院  主办


烧结式镍基板电化学浸渍的研究              唐致远      宋改云  薛建军(49)

λ-MnO2在不同电解质水溶液中的稳定性       孙巍伟    (53)

锂离子电池极片涂布技术和设备研究          赵伯元(56)

氢镍电池负极放电储备容量的调节            夏保佳  尹鸽平  程新群  李建玲(59)

掺钴锂锰氧化物的结构与性能研究            余仲宝  张胜利  杨书廷    (62)

碱锰电池引进设备及工艺特点                  (65)

阀控式铅酸电池及其在铁路系统的应用        胡信国  吴贤章(68)

快充式高能镉镍电池组的研制                刘淑梅      徐保伯(71)

密封铅蓄电池的电导与容量的关系            桂长清  柳瑞华(74)

电解液量对MH/Ni电池性能的影响             董清海  颜广炅  余成洲  赖为华(77)

《电池》因特网站的策划与设计                    (80)

电动汽车用先进电池的现状及发展            田春霞(83)

生物燃料电池                              贾鸿飞      王宇新(86)

活性二氧化锰在锌锰电池中的应用            李保中  刘世俊(90)

废旧Cd/Ni电池回收利用的研究               张志梅  杨春晖(92)


Battery Bimonthly (DIANCHI)

Vol.30, Number 2(Serial No.141), April.2000


Study of electrochemical impregnation for sintered nickel plaques ............. Tang Zhiyuan et al(49)

The stability of λ-MnO2  in various aqueous electrolytes ............. Sun Weiwei et al(53)

Coating technology and equipment for lithium ion electrodes ............. Zhao Boyuan(56)

Regulation of the discharge storage capacity of negative electrodes in MH/Ni batteries ............. Xia Baojia et al(59)

Study on the structure and properties of lithium manganese cobalt oxide ............. Yu Zhongbao et al(62)

Special features of equipment and technology introduced for alkaline-manganese batteries ............. Yang Lin(65)

Application of VRLA battery in the railway system ............. Hu Xinguo et al(68)

Preparation of rapid-charging and high power Cd/Ni battery ............. Liu Shumei et al(71)

The relationship between conductance and capacity of VRLA battery............. Cui Changqing et al(74)

Influences of electrolyte on properties of MH/Ni batteries ............. Dong Qinghai et al(77)

The planning and designing of www.batterypub.com ............. Wen Li et al(80)

The status and development of advanced batteries used in EVs ............. Tian Chunxia(83)

Biofuel cells ............. Jia Hongfei et al(86)

The application of activated MnO2 in Zn/MnO2 batteries ............. Li Baozhong et al(90)

A study of reusing discarded Cd/Ni battery ............. Zhang Zhimei et al(92)




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