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Vol.29, No.5,1999 


全国电池工业信息中心  湖南轻工研究院  主办


辉煌的成就                             徐保伯(185)

我国电池工业的出口贸易情况             鲁  阳(186)

锌锰干电池工业50年的回顾               陈俊元(189)

碱性可充镍电池工业的建立和发展         余国华(194)

铅酸电池工业的进展与展望               张纪元(200)

军用通信电池科技的重大成就             王观成(205)

我国化学电源50(1):锌/二氧化锰电池   夏  熙(209)


新世纪强国梦——访中国电池工业协会副理事长兼秘书长王敬忠      胡行仁(217)

为发展高科技电池多作贡献——访厦门大学校长林祖庚              徐保伯(221)

我国碱性锌锰电池工业经济分析           王金良(224)

艰苦创业勇攀高峰                       陈来茂(229)

555电池走遍世界                      梁伟雄(232)


Vol.29, Number 5(Serial No.138), October.1999


The export trade of China battery industry ............ Lu Yang(186)

A review on the development of zinc-manganese battery industry in China during last five decades ............ Chen Junyuan(189)

Establishment and improvement of alkaline rechargeable nickel battery industry ............ Yu Guohua et al(194)

The development of lead acid battery in the recent 50 years and its prospect ............ Zhang Jiyuan(200)

The great achievement of modern military communication batteries ............ Wang Guancheng(205)

Chemical power sources in China in the last fifty years(I)  ----  Zn/Mn2 batteries ............ Xia Xi(209)

The dream of becoming a powerful battery country in the century  ----  An interview with Wang Jinzhong, vice director of China's battery association ............ Hu Xingren(221)

Making more contributions to the development of the high technical battery  ----  An interview with Lin Zugeng, president of Xiamen University ............ Xu Baobo(221)

Industry and economy analysis of alkaline Zn/Mn2 batteries in China ............ Wang Jingliang(224)

Building the enterprise with arduous efforts and climbing the heights bravely ............ Chen Laimao(229)

Letting the 555 battery go to all over the world  ----  A visit to Guangzhou battery enterprise in China ............ Liang Weixiong(232)



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